Physical Education at Kingsley Primary School
At Kingsley Primary School, the focus of our Physical Education Program is to encourage healthy, active lifestyles for all students. This is done in the early years (K-2) through the explicit teaching of the fundamental movement skills and fun co-operative games, with music often integrated into Phys Ed classes to support movement and promote positive behaviour. From years 3-7, students are explicitly taught the skills and rules of a variety of sports, which are then applied in friendly, but competitive games with their peers.
In Phys Ed classes we promote the values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. We also encourage students to take turns, be inclusive of others, share equipment, follow rules, accept decisions, be a team player, deal with winning and losing and strive for a positive attitude.
Each week, every student participates in a one-hour Physical Education class. During the lead up to various carnivals, students partake in Junior and Senior Sport, where they spend another hour per week either training or competing against other schools (senior school only). Lunch-time games are often umpired by a member of staff or some of the six Faction Captains, who are voted in by our students. At various times throughout the year, students can also join Run Club before school which includes interval training and strength and conditioning. We have a diverse PE program at Kingsley, that not only focuses on core sports and skill development but offers the chance for students to experience sports that they many not usually be exposed to, for example, badminton and Ultimate frisbee.
Kingsley Primary School is part of the Foothills Sports Association. Throughout the year students may participate in Cross-Country, Interschool Cross-Country, Eagles Cup (soccer, netball, and football), in- term swimming lessons, Faction Athletics Carnivals, Interschool Athletics Carnivals and other tournaments such as Hot Shots Tennis. On various occasions, we also have specialised coaches, proficient in a variety of sports, that visit the school to teach a series of sporting lessons.

In Physical Education classes we promote the values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.
We also encourage students to take turns, be inclusive of others, share equipment, follow rules, accept decisions, be a team player, deal with winning and losing and strive for a positive attitude.