The school communicates with parents and guardians by way of a newsletter sent home three times each term via email. It is also added to the school’s FaceBook site as well as the website. Hard copies are available in the front office. We also use the MSGU SMS and Connect systems to send messages and reminders to caregivers.
An essential component of school policy is the fostering of sound home-school relationships. Parents are welcome to make contact with the school to discuss student progress or problems at any time although it would be appreciated if a mutually convenient time can be made, by appointment.
Our school encourages the involvement of parents. Parents are invited to be on a roster to help and are an integral part of the daily programme.
Parents are invited to attend our Assemblies or to participate in special activities or functions that are held during the course of the year – i.e. Anzac Day Services, Faction Sports Day, etc. Some teachers welcome the assistance of interested parents in classroom activities such as hearing oral reading, assisting with maths, science or art/craft activities. Help in the Library is very welcome.
Interviews with Teachers
Parents are encouraged to make contact with teachers regarding any issues relating to their child’s education. Please make contact directly with the teacher via email or ClassDojo.