Intake Area

Please read this map in conjunction with any other map/s displayed to determine a Local Intake Area (LIA).

The local intake area for this school is displayed on the map by visiting the Department of Education Online Schools website.

The following defines the local-intake area of this school:

KINGSLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL (Government Gazette Dec 1986)

The boundary for this school is as follows:
From the junction of Foster Road and Albany Highway, south and southeast along Albany Highway to Neerigen Brook, west along Neerigen Brook to the railway line, north along the railway line to the western extension of Foster Road and east to and along Foster Road to Albany Highway.

The boundary parts of Albany Highway (west side) and the boundary street of Foster Road (both sides) are included within the area for Kingsley Primary School.

The following is an optional area between Kingsley and Armadale Primary Schools:
From the junction of Albany Highway and Carradine Road, north and northeast along Carradine Road to Canns Road, northeast along Canns Road to Paterson Road, in a general northerly direction along Paterson Road to Salter Road, west along Salter Road and its westerly extension to Haslemere Drive, west along Haslemere Drive to Albany Highway, and south and east along Albany Highway to Carradine Road.

The boundary parts of Carradine Road (both sides), Canns Road (both sides), Paterson Road (both sides), Salter Road (both sides) and Albany Highway (east and north sides) and the boundary street of Haslemere Drive (both sides) are included within the optional area.