
Purchasing your child’s Uniform

Eclipse Universal (are the suppliers of our school uniform.  Orders are to be placed online and can be sent to the school or collected from their offices in Malaga for free delivery.

Online Orders

Eclipse Online Uniform Store website

Search: Kingsley Primary School         
Next: Enter Code Provided (KPS146)

Eclipse Uniforms
Unit 2/20 Sandford Way, Malaga, WA 6090
Telephone: 9249 4344
website: www.eclipseuniversal.com.au

School hats can be purchased through the school Admin for $15.00 each

Kingsley Primary School Dress Code

A school’s dress code plays an important role in promoting a positive image of the school and creating a sense of identity.  There are many reasons to introduce a code of dress for students (eg student safety can be improved because they can be identified more readily and generally, the cost of uniform items is less than alternative clothing) however, it is up to individual School Councils to determine what is appropriate for that school’s circumstances.


Any exemptions or objections need to be negotiated by parents directly with the principal.


Parents will be notified when a student fails to wear uniform or where a regular breech of the dress code is apparent.  The non-wearing of appropriate uniform, whether old or new, will be discussed with the parent, not the student.  Students who are not in uniform will not be permitted to attend excursions, interschool sports and reward activities.

Students must be responsible for their own hats as for health reasons the school does not lend hats or encourage the sharing of hats.

The Uniform


Royal Blue polo shirt with emblem*                         
Royal Blue shorts                                                            
Royal Blue track pants
Royal Blue Long Pant
Royal Blue Windcheater*
Royal Blue Zip Jacket* 
Suitable footwear (enclosed shoes, sneakers or sandals).


Royal Blue polo shirt with emblem*                         
Royal Blue shorts                                                            
Royal Blue track pants
Royal Blue Long Pant
Royal Blue Windcheater*
Royal Blue Zip Jacket* 
Suitable footwear (enclosed shoes, sneakers or sandals).
Royal Blue pleated sport skirt*(black or blue bike shorts only may be worn under the skirt)

SPORTS OUTFIT for Faction Carnival Days


Faction coloured T-shirt
Blue shorts
Suitable footwear


Faction coloured T-shirt
Blue shirt/short
Suitable footwear

* Items sold through the School’s P & C Clothing Pool

  • DENIM – Denim items of clothing are not permitted to be worn in Western Australian public schools.
  • HAIR – Hair on any student, male or female, that is longer than the top of the shoulder, is to be tied back at all times whilst at school.  This is an Occupational Health and Safety issue.  
  • MAKE-UP – No make-up shall be worn, eg. Nail polish or facial make-up.
  • JEWELLERY – No jewellery with the exception of watches, plain small sleepers and studs in the ear.
  • OUTER GARMENTS – Items that are not school uniform such as scarves, gloves, hats and jackets are not to be worn in the classroom, or during school time activities however students will be permitted to wear them during recess and lunchtime.
  • FOOTWEAR – It is important to ensure your child has suitable footwear when at school.  Tie-up shoes or sneakers are the preferred footwear for school.  For safety reasons no thongs, backless slip-ons or high-heeled shoes are permitted.  NO CHILD will be allowed to take part in any out of school activity without suitable footwear. NB:  Beach style sandals are not suitable.
  • HATS – This school operates a “No Hat, No Sun” Policy throughout the year. This policy reflects the importance of shading the face/head from the harmful rays of the sun.  On enrolment, students receive a free hat to wear with pride.

Student Leaders

As representatives of the student body, Student Councillors and Faction Leaders are expected to be positive role models for other students.  This includes the Councillor wearing the school uniform and their badges, at all times.