Enrolment Application

Kindergarten Application

Parents can apply to enrol their child in Kindergarten from the beginning of the year during which the child turns four, providing their birth date is before June 30 of that year.

Pre-Primary Application

Parents can apply to enrol their child in Pre-Primary from the beginning of the year during which the child turns five, providing their birth date is before June 30 of that year.

Documentary proof of birth date and immunisation records (ACIR) must be provided before enrolment can be confirmed. Parents must also provide proof of address.

A child’s immunisations are expected to be up-to-date upon entry to the school. These include measles, mumps, rubella, polio, whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Immunisations can be obtained telephoning ACIR on 1800 653 809 (free call) or emailing acir@humanservices.gov.au

Kingsley Kindergarten students attend two days per week and alternate Fridays.

Kindergarten and Pre-Primary children must not be left unsupervised in the yard of the centre before the commencement of each day’s session.  Parents are required to provide this supervision either themselves or through another adult. It is not appropriate for this supervision to be provided by older brothers and sisters.

Enrolment Application Years 1 to 6

All enrolments for the Primary School, Kindergarten and the Pre-Primary Centre, are carried out in the school Administration Office. Initial enrolments are not complete until a Birth Certificate or Extract of Birth Entry and Immunisation Record have been sighted at the Administration Office. Kingsley Primary is a local area intake school and proof of address is required on application to enrol.

Children must be enrolled under their legal surname, i.e. the name on their birth certificate, or if changed, the deed poll must be sighted. 

Enrolment Immunisation Records

The Department of Health and Department of Education and Training have organised a system for recording the immunisation of your child at school entry enrolment.

The purpose of this recording system is to identify children who are not fully immunised with Department of Health vaccines and are at increased risk of catching vaccine preventable diseases.

You can access your child’s immunisation records by:

1: Phoning the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register Free call 1800 653 809
2: www.medicareaustralia.gov.au

Due to privacy laws, only parents/guardians can access this information. You will need your Medicare number to access the records.

If your child has had their four-year-old vaccinations since initial enrolment, parents are required to provide an updated immunisation record to the school office.  Children who are not fully immunised may be followed up by Community Nurses to encourage completion of their vaccination schedule.

Western Australian Schools have been authorised by the Department of Health to exclude incompletely immunised students in outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases.